




Dirt and dust are leathers worst enemies. Wiping down often with a damp cloth can prevent dirt and dust particles from cutting away at the microscopic fibers that make leather strong and durable.

Condition leather only when it is clean and dry so that it can penetrate through the pores to make it soft and pliable.
Lanolin based conditioners are best. Too much oil or wax can clog the pores in the leather which causes it to dry out. Also, oils and waxes attract dust.

Rejuvenate your boots by applying a boot cream in a color to match closely to the leather. This will cover blemishes or scratches in leather and also bring a glossy finish.
Only boots that have a finish can be polished. Cream based polish is recommended over wax.

Apply a non-silicone water & stain protector. Use cedar boot trees when storing to help maintain your boot's shape and form.

Frequently Asked Boot Care Questions:

Q . Can Mink Oil be used?

A . Mink Oil can only be recommended for use on heavy work boots.

Q . Are Petroleum Oils good ?
A . Petroleum Oils are incompatible to skin or hides. They have a drying effect on leather.

Q . When should silicone sprays be used?
A . Silicone is OK to use on split leathers. Sometimes silicones can be recommended for outdoor work purposes.

Q . If boots get wet, what can I do ?
A . Let them dry naturally. Do not set them near heat or direct sunlight.

Q . What causes dry rot or cracking ?
A . Dirt and dust that collect in the fiber structure actually cut away like sandpaper.

Q . How can I get rid of scuff marks ?
A . Scuff marks generally come off with a soft pencil eraser.

Q . What causes snake skins scales to lift up ?
A . Snake skin moves the way the foot flexes. The scales will develop a "Characteristic."

Q . How often should exotics be conditioned ?
A . Exotics should be conditioned whenever they look or feel dry.

Boot Care Don'ts ?
Never use a wet cloth.
Never use petroleum based products. Over time they can weaken leather.
Don't store near heat or direct sunlight.
Don't store in a cold or damp place. Boots will mildew.
Don't store in plastic where boots cannot air out properly.

Copyrightc 2003 **PYTHON Leather BALII** rcbali@yahoo.com
Copyrightc 1998-2003 BIYUNG BALI. All Rights Reserved.
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